Frogtown Local Superhero Project

What is the Frogtown Local Superhero (FLS) Project?

It is an initiative for kids (and adults alike) to build their own local superhero identity. The two primary focus areas are youth engagement and community engagement. integration. I would like to set up workshops and community events for kids to build their costumes, youth activities, and share their voices. The second component is community engagement, how can we adults be better role models and connect better with children. I want others to smile when they think about their community.

I’m planning to do a potential launch event for kids/adults alike in a community meal sometime next summer. If you are excited, and/or want to get involved. Please reach out to me. For any rival heroes: Bring it!

In the meantime… feel free to follow me on Facebook

Superhero Day [Proof of Concept]: I spend one day a week as a superhero to have transformative and meaningful connections with community members and kids alike. Furthermore, how can this experience be used for self-healing, boost self-esteem, and build resiliency. In public, I switch roles between hero and adult within the presence of kids to indicate control.

In the meantime… feel free to follow me on Facebook

What is a hero?

A hero, in simplistic terms, is someone that takes action in the face of adversity. Early human cultures have hero myths that appeal to our imagination, provide morals, and invigorate our spirit. The modern day Gilgamesh, and Hercules are the superheroes of today. Superheroes appeal to a wide audience because it often deals with characters that experience adversity, trauma, life experiences, and, overall, it is entertaining. However, in our modern society, heroes have been commercialized AND push the values and representation of dominant culture. During my debut as the Frogtown Crusader, the smiles from POC (person of color) children was priceless and invigorating. They have a found an hero/adult that looks like them!

What if kids (and adults alike) create and foster their own superhero identity?

For children, the first thing that come to mind is action! On the contrary, there is considerable introspection in exploring what makes us special and defining our own origin story.  We foster and nurture these qualities. We take meaningful actions to reinforce our values, personal well-being, AND prioritize our community!

For adults, we need to get out of our comfort zones and be comfortable with being silly! Furthermore it can build positive relationships with children.

I’m planning to do a potential launch event for kids/adults alike in a community meal sometime next spring/summer. If you are excited, and/or want to get involved. Please reach out to me. For any rival heroes: Bring it!

**I do not condone violence and/or vigilantism such as in the movie Kick-Ass** 

Other Benefits


Role-play allows us to be someone else. We shift our behavior, attitudes, and self-esteem to fit that role. I want to children to role-play responsible behaviors in physical and verbal conflicts. In addition, they can be mentors to others, which means having patience, compassion, and considerate. Furthermore, children will gain practice in performing these behaviors and experience the intrinsic rewards. For adults/teenagers, role-play has the same benefits, and gives us the opportunity to be silly, while at it.

Handling Trauma (Putting on the cape):

There are children in our community experience considerable emotional, physical, and financial hardship. One of the relatable aspects of popular fictional superheroes is that they experience tragic circumstances in childhood/ adulthood. Despite all of this, they choose to be heroes instead of giving up or becoming villains. Overcoming adversity or facing an obstacle can be intimidating. During moments of hardship, can we face it with stride! Note: Healing is a strong component to work with too. For adults, this can help address/combat with depression.

Community/Civic Engagement:

The number one rule of being a superhero is put your community first. This means helping others, contributing to communal spaces, and advocating for changes within our community. When children and adults see others being involved, it will encourage them to participate as well. Civic engagement assures that people needs are met, but also have resources to excel/ succeed.

Personal/ Local identity:

In creating your superhero identity, you need to create your own local personalized costume. What elements of your culture, community, interests, and personal history can be incorporated? Your costume should give you strength and pride. In addition, we can promote non-traditional heroes.     

Personal Relationships/ Teamwork:

Superheroes often form teams to be able to tackle formidable obstacles. How can we work together and resolve internal conflicts in group settings? For teenagers/adults, how can we role model responsible behaviors in relationships and build resolve in standing up against abuse?